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How to push changes to Git Hub using GIT GUI?

About pushing changes to GitHub When you push changes, you send the committed changes in your local repository to the remote repository on GitHub. If you change your project locally and want other people to have access to the changes, you must push the changes to GitHub. Before pushing changes, you should update your local branch to include any commits that have been added to the remote repository. If someone has made commits on the remote that are not on your local branch, GitHub Desktop will prompt you to fetch the new commits before pushing your changes to avoid merge conflicts. To push your local changes to the remote repository, in the repository bar, click  Push origin . If there are commits on the remote branch that you don't have on your local branch, GitHub Desktop prompts you to fetch new commits from the remote. In the "New Commits on Remote" window, click  Fetch . Optionally, click  Preview Pull Request  to open a preview dialog where

How to push changes to Git Hub using the command line?

Go to the web page for your GitHub repository, and note the URL.  Open  Bash  on Windows. (If you're using Linux or Mac, open  Terminal .)  Use the  cd  command to switch to the directory you want to use to work on your project locally. Enter  git clone [URL of your repository]  to copy your repository to your local machine. Use the  cd  command to go into your repository directory. You'll know you're in the right place if your new command line ends with the name of the main branch of your repository. For example, the name of my main branch is "main," so  (main)  appears at the end of my command line. Once you've added your files to your directory and are ready to push to GitHub, in your  Bash  window, enter  git add .  to select all the files in your repository.  Enter  git commit -m "[commit message]"  to save the changes to your local repository. You can enter anything for the commit message, but adding  -m "[commit message]"  specifies

How to create a GitHub repository?

  Sign in to GitHub: Open GitHub and sign in to your account. Create a New Repository: On the top right corner, click on the '+' icon and select "New repository." Alternatively, click on your profile picture on the top right corner, select "Your repositories," and then click the green "New" button. Fill in Repository Details: Enter a name for your repository. Add an optional description to provide more context. Choose whether it's a public or private repository (public repositories are visible to everyone). Initialize with a README (Optional): You can choose to initialize the repository with a README file. It's helpful for providing information about your project. Choose Other Options (Optional): You can add a .gitignore file (specifies intentionally untracked files) and choose a license for your project. Create Repository: Click the "Create repository" button.

Why do we need version control systems for IT companies?

 1. Collaboration and Teamwork: Simultaneous Work: VCS allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously without conflicts. Team Coordination: Facilitates collaboration among team members by providing a central repository for code sharing and merging changes. 2. Code Management and Tracking Changes: Track Changes: VCS tracks changes made to the codebase over time, providing a history of modifications, who made them, and when. Versioning: Allows for creating snapshots (versions) of the code at different points, enabling easy rollback or reference to earlier versions. 3. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Backup: Serves as a backup mechanism for code. In case of accidental deletion or code loss, the history in VCS allows recovery. Disaster Recovery: Offers protection against data loss by providing a centralized repository that can be restored. 4. Code Quality and Review: Code Quality: Supports code review processes by enabling peers to review changes before merging

What are the differences between Scrum and Kanban?


What are the benefits of using Scrum?

The key Scrum advantages Adaptable and flexible Adaptation is at the heart of the  Scrum framework . It’s suitable for situations where the scope and requirements are not clearly defined. Changes can be quickly integrated into the project without affecting project output. Faster delivery Since the goal is to produce a working product with every sprint , Scrum can result in faster delivery and an earlier time to market. In more traditional frameworks, completed work is finished in total at the end of the project. Encourages creativity In Scrum, there is a focus on continuous improvement, and Scrum teams embrace new ideas and techniques. This leads to better quality, which allows your products to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. Lower costs Scrum can be cost-effective for organizations as it requires less documentation and control. It can also lead to increased productivity for the Scrum team, meaning less time and effort is wasted. Improves customer sa

What are the different ceremonies in Agile?

  In Agile methodologies, ceremonies are structured meetings or events that facilitate collaboration, communication, and iteration within the team. These ceremonies help ensure transparency, alignment, and the smooth functioning of Agile practices. Here are some common ceremonies in Agile: 1. Sprint Planning: Purpose: Plan and prepare for the upcoming iteration or sprint. Key Activities: Product Owner presents the backlog items, team estimates effort, selects tasks for the sprint, and sets a sprint goal. 2. Daily Stand-up (or Daily Scrum): Purpose: Daily check-in to synchronize activities and identify any impediments. Key Activities: Each team member shares what they did yesterday, what they plan to do today, and any obstacles they face. 3. Sprint Review (or Demo): Purpose: Showcase the completed work from the sprint to stakeholders and gather feedback. Key Activities: Team presents the completed features or user stories, demonstrates functionality, and receives feedback from sta